European Microscopy Congress 2020 Abstract Database
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A comprehensive study of fenestrations in liver sinusoidal endothelial cells using spectroscopy-based imaging mode of atomic force microscopy and superresolution fluorescence nanoscopy
A correlative approach combining TEM and SIMS for nanoscale quantification of dopant distributions in semiconductors
A correlative microscopy approach with live cell imaging, immunocytochemistry, 3-D holographic imaging and FESEM for characterization of hypoxia-driven EMT in T84 colon adenocarcinoma cells.
A cryo-preparation approach for immuno-fluorescence labelling of cell cultures and CLEM
A framework for intra- and inter-group data management: the DIADEM system
A fully integrated in-situ solution for materials testing in SEM
A high-pressure microreactor for the wüstite reduction by quasi in situ TEM
A label-free multimodal nonlinear microscope for biological applications
A multi-cell STEM diode detector for parallel acquisition of up to 16 channels with integrated high-speed electronics
A multi-scale insight on Cu-Alumina interactions in high temperature redox conditions for chemical combustion looping (CLC) industrial oxygen carriers – Correlative electron and X-ray microscopy study