European Microscopy Congress 2020 Abstract Database
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Bayesian model selection for atom column detection from ABF-ADF STEM images
Beam broadening of keV-electrons in matter calculated by numerical solution of the transport equation
Beam-dose controlled atomic resolution EELS mapping of catalyst supports
Behavior and stability of PNIPAM hydrogel particles in liquid phase under electron irradiation
Benefits and recent techniques for high-resolution structural analysis of large volumes
Biogenic Mn(II)-coated UO2 nanoparticles: TEM experiment and modeling
Biophysical Contrast Mechanisms for Biomedical Imaging
Bringing open microscopy to the Web of Things
Broad Argon Ion Beam (BIB) Milling to improve EBSD analysis of a nickelbase alloy using a modern Schottky FE-SEM
Broadband coupling of fast electrons to high-Q whispering gallery mode resonators