European Microscopy Congress 2020 Abstract Database
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C-means clustering of combined EDS and EBSD signals for materials analysis
Ca segregation towards an in-plane compressive strain Bismuth Ferrite – Strontium Titanate interface
Calculation of double differential cross sections for inner-shell excitations in the local density approximation
Cathodoluminescence and Electron Holography complementary studies of AlN/GaN nanowires
Caught in transition: Nanoscale analysis and molecular level characterisation of collagen mineralisation by complementary use of electron microscopy and in situ Raman microspectroscopy
Ceria-supported nickel catalyst for Sabatier reaction: a detailed nanoscopy investigation
Certified reference material NMIJ CRM 5207-a tungsten dot-array for image sharpness evaluation in scanning electron microscopy
Challenges and perspectives of Transmission Kikuchi Diffraction in the SEM
Challenges in Electron Beam-Induced Current Imaging: from SEM-EBIC to STEM-SEEBIC
Challenges in Exploring Epithelial Regeneration: 4D Quantification of Mitotic Spindle Movement in Mother Cells