European Microscopy Congress 2020 Abstract Database
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Damage-free sample preparation of metallic microwires using an adapted electropolishing method.
Data fusion and geometric hyperspectral unmixing applied to STEM-EELS and EDX to solve a complex heterogeneous core-shell Co-P catalyst
Deciphering trans-translation by cryo-electron microscopy: motions and interactions of tmRNA and SmpB inside the ribosome
Decoding mineral zoning from BSE images using Machine Learning
Decoding the local stoichiometry from HR-STEM images with convolutional neural networks (CNNs) trained by PRISMatic datasets
Decomposition of STEM spectrum-images into a linear combination of meaningful endmembers
Deconvolving multi-phase SPED datasets: Machine learning assisted pattern matching for phase determination in thin film based oxide electronic devices
Decoupling Reaction from Investigation – Quasi in situ TEM for Studying Electrochemical Processes
Deep learning assisted transmission electron microscopy.
Deep learning in digital pathology and microscopy for research and clinical practice