European Microscopy Congress 2020 Abstract Database
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EBSD analyses of metallic, ceramic, semiconductor and geological specimens in a table top SEM.
EBSD Characterization of Super Duplex Stainless Steel Using the Hough Indexing and Dictionary Indexing Approaches
EBSD of granitic quartz exposed to electric field
EBSD pattern analysis beyond band detection
EDS reveal thin layers of SiO2 modified GO platelets as template in the 3D CNTs-SiO2@GNP Synthesis
EDX quantification in the TEM: How to measure ζ-factors without knowing the sample thickness
EELS investigation of a V-CeFe-oxide catalyst for low-temperature NH3-SCR
EELS Investigation of Heterogeneous Ag-Au Nanosphere Assemblies
Effect of increased β-adrenergic stimulation on intercalated disc proteins in rat cardiomyocytes
Electric Field-Induced Surface Melting of Gold at Room Temperature visualized at Atomic Resolution Using In Situ TEM