European Microscopy Congress 2020 Abstract Database
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Machine learning for high-resolution transmission electron microscopy images defect recognition
Machine Learning on STEM-EDS Analysis for Improved Phase Quantification
Magnetic Field Evaluation with Atomic Layer Resolution by Aberration-Corrected 1.2-MV Holography Electron Microscope
Magnetic field free atomic resolution STEM for magnetic materials
Magnetic Field Imaging of Polycrystalline Magnets by Differential Phase Contrast STEM
Magnetic field mapping of two-dimensional and three-dimensionalfrustrated magnets using off-axis electron holography
Magnetic force microscopy: The state of the art, perspectives, and challenges
Magnetic microscopy of mesoscopic magnetic systems
Magnetic nanotubes for new generation of domain wall conduits at unprecedented mobility.
Magnetic near field imaging with EELS based on Babinet’s principle