European Microscopy Congress 2020 Abstract Database
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Radiation-induced formation of gas bubbles in beryllium after neutron irradiation with up to 36 dpa
Rapid 3D super resolution microscopy in live cell
Rapid and seamless imaging of biological specimens using a novel optical scanning transmission electron detector
Rapid In-situ XANES Imaging of Chemical Gradients during Catalytic Partial Oxidation of Methane
Rare-earth element doped nanoparticles for (multi)colour correlative cathodoluminescence electron microscopy bioimaging
Re-examination of the secretory compartments in the study of transport organelles in mitotic cells with correlative light, immune and three-dimensional electron microscopy
Reactivity of gold nanoparticles under O2 and H2 at ambient pressure
Real space studies on the skyrmion lattice and its dynamics in chiral magnets
Real-space cathodoluminescence imaging on an integrated correlative light and electron microscope
Real-Time Data Acquisition and Analysis