European Microscopy Congress 2020 Abstract Database
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Tailored microcells for probing real-time electrocatalytic reactions in TEM
Tailoring of Shape and Size of Platinum Nanoparticles to Enhance Their Oxygen Reduction Reaction Performance
TEM based investigation of strategies towards monolithic integration of Germanium on Silicon
Tem characterization of bimetallic nanocatalyst obtained by colloidal chemistry
TEM characterization of laser-generated colloidal high-entropy alloy nanoparticles
TEM electron diffraction techniques in the field of energy storing: study of new phases and compounds for electrodes
TEM investigation on Metallic Nano structure of 11-12th century brass ornaments
TEM observation and in situ compression tests of transition alumina prepared by high pressure compaction at room temperature
TEM specimen-induced artefacts of quantifying the chemical composition of SiGe-based epitaxial structures by STEM-based EDXS
TEM studies of phase and domain boundary formation mechanism in nanowires of InRO3(ZnO)m (R ∈ {In, Fe})